Retroviral Vectors for Translational and Commercial Gene Therapy

For more than 15 years, BioNTech IMFS has been developing and manufacturing retroviral vectors for clinical supply for the treatment of monogenetic diseases and cancer indications. Thus our team has years of experience in the production, purification, and characterization of viral vector products.

Our Services

Starting with your gene of interest or your own vector construct, we offer you a full service from vector design and cloning (also SIN) to producer cell establishment using a system developed and qualified inhouse. Vector production is performed from MCBs or WCBs using a scalable system ranging from tissue culture flasks to multi-tray cell factories and bioreactors (2 up to 40 litres) depending on your batch size requirements.

An extensive Quality Control program covering safety, purity and potency is performed on each production lot to ensure that specifications and regulatory requirements are met.

Customized Solutions:

With our strong expertise in virology, molecular biology, cell biology, process development, Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance, we offer tailor-made manufacturing solutions:

  • Vector design and cloning (also SIN)
  • Producer Clones, Master and Working Cell Banks (MCB/WCB)
  • Customized process and assay development
  • Vector manufacturing in a scalable GMP compliant system (2 to 40 L)
  • Vector concentration
  • Regulatory support


Please contact our experts to discuss your needs.

Your Contact

Business Development

Dr. Andrea Schilz
Tel +49 (0) 6781 98550